As soon as your shipment is confirmed with the carrier, you’ll receive an email containing a tracking number so you can track the delivery status of your order.
If you’ve signed up for an account on our website, you can track your delivery under the Orders section of your user dashboard by following the screenshots below.
If you’ve pre-ordered an item, you’ll receive your order and tracking number via email once the item is available based on its inventory availability and release date.
Note: To expedite deliveries, items from a single order may be shipped in separate packages. If this occurs, you may receive multiple shipment confirmation emails or tracking numbers. You will not be charged additional fees for shipping if your order has been divided into separate shipments.
If you’re still having trouble with tracking or confirming delivery of an order placed on our website, please call (+1) 215-437-9371.
1. Tracking Your Delivery From The Confirmation Email
2. Tracking Your Delivery From “My Account”
My Account > Orders > View
The Tracking Information section can be found toward the bottom of a specific Order just under the Billing and Shipping Addresses.